Biography of Andrew Linebarger copied from an old book of Parke Co. and Fountain Co., Indiana history
p. 282 ANDREW LINEBARGER is one of the ex- tensive land-owners of Parke County, where he now resides, his landed posses- sions aggregating nearly two thousand acres, most of which is under a high state of cultiva- tion. This gentleman is a well-informed farmer, who from a small beginning has built up a comfort- able fortune and is now enjoying the result of his industry and enterprise. He was born in Lincoln County, N. C., June 8, 1815, to John and Mary (Hoot) Linebarger. His grandfather, John Line- barger, whose father came from Germany and set- tled in the Keystone State, was the only son, When a lad of twelve years, his parents moved to Lincoln County, N. C., where they lived the re- mainder of their lives. The grandfather was a member of the Lutheran Church and was a respec- ted and well-to-do farmer. To himself and wife were born one son, John, and seven daughters, who all lived and died in their native State, North Car- olina. The father of our subject was reared on a farm, learning every minute detail pertaining to the life, and participating in its labors sufficiently to allow him due appreciation for the pleasures which he enjoyed. In the year 1820 he sold out and with a four-horse team moved to Bartholomew County, Ind., being six weeks on the way, camping and cooking by the wayside. In the spring of 1822 he again moved, and located on section 16, Reserve Township, this county, where he cleared one hun- dred and sixty acres of timberland. Two years after, when land came into market, he entered one hundred and seventy-six acres on sections 17 and 18, which he cleared and improved, remaining there but a short lime, when he located on section 18, where he remained six or seven years. At the end of this time he purchased a part of the farm on which our subject now makes his home, and there remained until his death, in May, 1817, Ten years after his wife passed from this life. They were both members of the Lutheran Church until they settled in Indiana, when they became con- nected with the Methodist denomination, and were instrumental in the organization of the first church of that faith in the county. The parents of our subject, on their arrival in this State, were in very straitened circumstances. Having but $5 in money in their possession. But by hard work and perseverance they met all discouragementa, with a stout heart, and by persistency were enabled to sur- mount all obstacles in their way. The father in- creased his landed possessions to about four hundred acres. During his life he served as Constable and Justice of the Peace, discharging his duties faith- fully. He cast his vote with the Democratic party. p. 283 Our subject is one of a family of eight children, he being the only survivor. He was brought up on the old homestead, receiving a limited educa- tion, the first school that he attended being con- ducted on the subscription system by Darius Har- ger, on section 21, near where his present home now is. At the age of twenty he commenced farm- ing on his own account on the homestead, clear- ing and raising crops. In 1840 he located on eighty acres of timberland on section 12, which he also cleared. Since that he has accumulated property until he owns an extensive territory of nearly two thousand acres in Reserve, Liberty and Penn Townships, and has given to his children as a start in life about $l6,OOO in currency. Besides carrying on general farming he is successfully en- gaged in raising grain, and is a breeder of Polled- Angus Aberdeen cattle and has been quite an ex- tensive shipper of grain and stock. In politics he has been a Democrat all his life, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since fourteen years of age and contributes, liberally for the support of all religious enterprises. His word is considered as good as his bond, and he is always in favor of anything that tends to enhance the prosperity of his township and community. February 14,1836, Mr. Linebarger married Eliza- beth, daughter of Levi and Alary (Mitchell) Burt- on, who was born near New Albany in 1817. Her parents came from Maryland and settled in Parke County about 1823, first settling near New Ai- bany, Ind. To Mr. and Mrs. Linebarger were granted six children; George II., Mary A., Will- iam S., David, Levi J., and Andrew J. The good wife and mother died in June, 1846. Our subject was again united in marriage, on the 7th of February, 1847, this wife being known in her maiden days as Mary Warner, and she was born in Pennsylvania in the year 1827. She was the daugh- ter of Joel and Susannah (Huff) Warner, who were pioneers of Reserve Township. The former died at Evansville, Ind., wlile making a trip from New Orleans. The mother is also deceased. By the second union were born ten children; Lewis C., Joel, Samuel C., Jacob, Joseph, who died at the age of four years; Elizabeth L., wife, of J.T. Lew- man; Ida B., wife ot Charles Causey; Ludah C.; Amma O., wife of Salmon Wright; and Louisa A., wife of John H. Linebarger. The mother of this family died August 4, 1890, at the age of sixty- three years. Sha was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Linebarger has attained success in his chosen career by fair deal- ings, and during his many years' residence in this county has always shown himself to be entirely worthy of the high estimation in which he is held by his many friends and acquaintances.