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Biography of Andrew Linebarger copied from an old book, History of Vigo & Parke Counties



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Andrew Linebarger, farmer, Montezuma, whose portrait appears in this work, is one of Parke county's old and respected pioneers. He was born in Lincoln county, North Carolina, June 8, 1815, and is the son of John and Mary Linebarger, both of whom are natives of Pennsylvania. They removed to Parke county in 1822, and settled on Sec. 16, Reserve township. There they remained but a short time, and then entered land in Sec. 17. They both remained honored and respected residents of Parke county until their deaths; the father died in 1847 and the mother in 1857. The early life of our subject was spent in a comparatively new country, and he had such facilities for obtaining an education as were afforded by the old subscription system of schools at that time. Having been raised on a farm he followed that line of business when he had grown to man's estate and began a business life on his own account. Later in life he bacame quite extensively interested in stock growing, a business in which he has been very successful, and within the last ten years he has also dealt extensively in grain. He has for some time been one of the largest stock and grain shippers in the western part of Parke county. Mr. Linebarger is, though interested in the stock and grain trade, well known as one of the large land-holders of Reserve township. Though an active and successful business man, Mr. Lineberger has still given due time and atention to the cause of religion and to the building up of the Methodist church, of which he has been a member since he was fourteen years old. This was probably due to the early teachings of his parents, who in after years became members of his family and resided with him till their deaths, which occurred as before stated. Though he was a member of a family of eight children, he is the only one now a resident of Parke county. Mr. Linebarger has been twice marriied: in 1836 to Miss Elizabeth Burton, a native of Indiana; she died in 1846. He was married again in 1847, to Miss Mary, daughter of Joel and Susanah Warner, who were among the early and prominent settlers of Parke county, 1832 being the date of their settlement; his death occurred in 1842, and Mrs. Warner's in 1868. Mrs. Linebarger is still living and has the respect and love of her children and husband. She is also a consistent member of the Methodist church. The family of Mr. Linebarger by his first wife are: Geo. H., Mary A., Wm. S., David, Levi J. and Andrew J.; and by his present wife: Lewis C., Joel, Samuel c., Jacob, Elizabeth, Ida B., Ludah C., Emma O., and Louisa A. The name of the deceased is Joseph H. All of those living are

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already, or give promise of becoming as they grow to years of maturity, honored and respected citizens of the community.